A popular image on social media
This photograph, taken of one of my works that was on display at the Cape Town Art Fair in 2017, has been making its appearance on various different Facebook Pages, YouTube channels and even Reddit forums over the last few years. This image, ususally referred to as a depiction of a "statue of Yasuke" is most often featured on an infographic or accompanied by some text that briefly tells the story of the the "an African slave, who arrived in Japan in 1579 and became the first black Samurai."
It has particularly gained popularity in 2021 and 2022, appearing with increasing frequency all over the web - and, unfortunately, in almost all cases, without credit to me as the creator of both the image and the artwork.
This particular sculpture from my No Man's Land series now belongs to the corporate collection of The Sovereign Trust, an international financial consultancy firm. It is located in the lobby of the firm's Cape Town office building, where it has been on public display for all the firm's employees and clients since 2017.

Live on Afternoon Express in 2017
I was honoured to be featured on the popular lifestyle television programme, SABC's Afternoon Express, in March of 2017.
I had just graduated with 95% for my final body of work at the Michaelis School of Fine Art. I also won the Michaelis Prize, which is awarded annually to the top graduating student.
Thank you to Andile Mdakane for the opportunity. Watch the interview here.
RSG Radio Interview
In the wake of my internationally-acclaimed solo exhibition at the Simchowitz Gallery in Los Angeles (A Taste of Salt), I was invited to speak about my career in the arts on a popular Afrikaans-speaking South African radio station, Radio Sonder Grense (RSG), in August 2023.
Listen to a podcast the interview (in Afrikaans).
CapeTalk Radio Interview
In July 2023, I had the opportunity to speak with Pippa Hudson, the host of CapeTalk, on her live show. We discussed my latest solo exhibition in the US, A Taste of Salt, as well as my education, my upbringing and my goals for the future of my practice.
Listen a podcast of the interview (in English).